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Lehet-e pörköltet gyomorhuruttal?
Utolsó ellenőrzés: 07.06.2024

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For patients with gastritis, the most suitable methods of thermal culinary processing of foods in the cooking process are boiling (including steaming) and stewing. Therefore, stew with gastritis can be included in the menu of almost any diet for inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Benefits of stews
Stewed meat and vegetables are useful, because during their heat treatment in this way - on low heat, under a lid - they retain a significant part of vitamins (especially fat-soluble) and macro- and microelements necessary for the body, but the smaller amount of fiber in vegetables reduces intestinal gas formation.
Since in most cases patients with inflammation of the stomach fresh (i.e., raw) vegetables are contraindicated (except for periods of persistent remission), you can and should use stewed vegetables in gastritis.
See - Vegetables for gastritis with hyperacidity
Stewed potatoes with gastritis are prepared with the addition of a tablespoon of vegetable oil (best - olive oil) and grated or finely chopped carrots; at the beginning of cooking, water is necessarily added (the more potatoes, the greater the volume of water).
You can also cook stewed zucchini for gastritis, and stewed onions for gastritis if you have low acidity.
Vegetable stew is considered a classic dish for diet for gastritis.
In order not to increase the formation of gas in the intestine stewed cabbage with gastritis, as well as stewed peppers in gastritis with hyperacidity nutritionists do not recommend consuming.
Contraindications apply to white cabbage, but cauliflower and broccoli can be eaten, but they are better boiled or steamed.
And with gastritis with reduced acidity you can include in the menu and stewed white cabbage. More information in the article - Fresh, stewed and sauerkraut in gastritis: dishes and recipes
About whether you should eat stewed tomatoes with gastritis, more in the publication - Tomatoes with gastritis
Stewed meat with gastritis (veal, rabbit) does not overload the stomach and is better digested. Boiled chicken can be dry, but stewed chicken with gastritis - softer, juicy and tasty, and cooked almost twice as fast.