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Reggeli gyomorhurutban: hasznos ételek receptjei
Utolsó ellenőrzés: 07.06.2024

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The importance of the first meal after waking up is confirmed by the well-known proverb: "Eat breakfast by yourself, share lunch with a friend, and dinner...". Its English version: "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a beggar".
No less important is breakfast in gastritis, one of the most common diseases of the human digestive system.
Indications for prescribing the diet
Most patients - as an integral part of comprehensive treatment - are strongly recommended to permanently follow diet for gastritis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach causes pain, nausea, vomiting attacks, heartburn, abdominal bloating, which often worsen after eating fatty, spicy, sour, fried, too cold or hot food. Rare meals, as well as its excessive volume (stretching the stomach it stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid) also increase the symptomatology.
The importance of the chemical and physical composition of food in inflammation of the gastric mucosa is evidenced by the fact that carbohydrates are digested faster than proteins, and proteins faster than fats. Grinding food (pureed soups, boiled porridge, vegetable purees, steamed dishes of minced meat) also facilitates the work of a sick stomach. In addition, the finer the food particles, the faster the duodenum relaxes - that is, the stomach begins to empty.
So the diet for gastritis has the main goal of reducing inflammation of the stomach.
The essence of diet in this disease is to relieve symptoms (by eliminating a range of foods, consistency of food and more frequent meals), prevent worsening of the condition, normalize the pH level of gastric juice and enzyme production to minimize digestive distress - while ensuring that the body gets all the necessary nutrients.
First and foremost, indications for dietary prescription include increased stomach acidity, but all varieties of gastritis - including those with reduced stomach acidity - require certain dietary changes.
So the benefit of diet in this diagnosis is obvious, and its important role in digestion and general condition of patients with inflammation of the gastric mucosa has long been recognized.
What can you have for breakfast when you have gastritis? What should not be eaten?
Breakfast in gastritis, as well as breakfast in general, should not be skipped. Both gastroenterologists and nutritionists consider it the most important meal for proper metabolism (it helps maintain stable insulin levels) and body functioning (providing energy).
What is possible for breakfast with gastritis? For the first meal, nutritionists recommend products containing fiber, carbohydrates (simple and complex), complete protein.
Of course, this is a variety of cereals: porridge for breakfast with gastritis is the best option. Suitable pasta, potatoes, white bread and cookies, cottage cheese, eggs, lean meat and fish, vegetables and fruits, as well as vegetable oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.
All the details are in the publications:
- Vegetables in gastritis with hyperacidity
- Dairy products in gastritis with hyperacidity
- Drinks for gastritis with hyperacidity
- Sweets in gastritis with hyperacidity
- Foods for gastritis with low acidity
What not to eat: In hyperacid gastritis foods that increase acidity are strictly contraindicated, and if the gastritis is hypoacid, the diet should not foods that reduce acidity.
But in any type of disease is restricted consumption of fats, including fried food, fatty meat, lard, butter and fatty dairy products: slowing down the digestive process and delaying gastric emptying, they can aggravate inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Useful information also in the article - Diet in chronic gastritis
Breakfast with gastritis with high acidity, with low acidity, with erosive gastritis
Semi-liquid porridge (oatmeal, semolina, rice, etc.) for breakfast in gastritis with hyperacidity should be cooked with water or milk (if it does not cause abdominal bloating), for more information - Porridge in gastritis with hyperacidity.
Also suitable breakfast options for gastritis, such as cottage cheese, cottage cheese casseroles and cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream, soft-boiled eggs and in the form of a steamed omelet, casseroles and puddings, steamed cutlet with vermicelli or simply stewed vegetables (vegetable stew). Detailed menu for each day is given in the materials:
Diet in gastritis with hyperacidity
Diet for hyperacidity of the stomach
Normal breakfast with low stomach acidity, for example, a portion of natural yogurt with a banana or fresh berries, buckwheat porridge with cottage cheese or oatmeal with honey. For more details, read - Diet for gastritis with low stomach acidity: menu for each day
Breakfast in erosive gastritis does not differ much from the recommendations concerning hyperacid and hypoacid gastritis: the same semi-liquid porridge, steamed omelet, vegetable stew, tea with breadcrumbs or kisel with cookies. Daily menu see in the material - Diet in erosive gastritis
Liquid porridge is the most acceptable breakfast for gastritis and pancreatitis, more information in the article - Porridge for pancreatitis: semolina, oatmeal, millet, rice, wheat, buckwheat.
But this is not the only option, read more - Diet in acute and chronic pancreatitis: what kind, what you can eat and what you can not eat
The basic recipes for breakfast dishes are simple. So, any porridge can be diversified by adding fruits and berries. For example, it is not difficult to prepare rice porridge with pumpkin: cook ordinary porridge (with water), but at the same time boiled finely chopped pumpkin (pulp); the proportions of both - at your own discretion and taste. When the pumpkin becomes soft, it should be turned into a puree and combined with rice, boiling for another 10 minutes. Similarly cook semolina with pumpkin.
But you can also prepare semolina pudding. For this purpose, 100 ml of hot milk should be added to the ready thick semolina (250-300 g); put the yolks of two raw eggs beaten with a tablespoon of sugar and whipped into foam. Everything is mixed and poured on a greased with oil and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs and baked. Any jam or jam is usually put on a piece of such pudding.
Millet porridge can be made with zucchini. Peeled from the skin and seeds zucchini should be finely chopped and put in salted boiling water, where after 3-5 minutes pour well-washed and scalded millet (if the millet is exposed to boiling water before cooking, it will not be bitter and boiled twice faster). Such a dietary breakfast dish will be ready in a quarter of an hour after boiling the groats. A little butter is added to the finished porridge.
And here is a recipe for an omelet with boiled carrots and fresh herbs, which is cooked on steam. To do this, in the beaten eggs (with the addition of two tablespoons of milk) put finely chopped carrots (previously boiled) and chopped parsley or dill greens. With hypoacid gastritis, you can also add finely chopped tomatoes and bell peppers. The preparation of such a breakfast will take about 20 minutes.
With inflammation of the stomach to have breakfast "as a king" is unlikely to succeed, because breakfast with gastritis - part of the dietary diet, which is aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease and contributes to its treatment.