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Utolsó ellenőrzés: 07.06.2024

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Many people snore in their sleep - this is a fairly common phenomenon, often causing not concern, but irritation of loved ones, because the rich man's snoring prevents them from getting a good night's sleep. Snorers are jeered at, but their lack of sleep is considered quite safe. Often it is, but snoring is often a symptom of sleep apnea or sleep apnea. Such people suffer from constant sleep deprivation, feelings of brokenness, headaches caused by oxygen deprivation. They have an increased likelihood of myocardial infarction or stroke and even sudden death in their sleep, as apnea complicates the course of chronic diseases. This population of snorers is addressed by the snoring mask, which facilitates the passage of air through the airways during sleep by means of forced non-invasive ventilation.
Of course, before choosing and purchasing a device, it is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo a diagnostic polysomnography, to verify whether there are breathing stops during sleep and how frequent they are. Perhaps in a particular case, very different methods of solving the problem of snoring are needed. But the snoring mask has helped many people to eliminate their breathing disorder by ensuring adequate airflow, no apnea and uninterrupted refreshing sleep.
The device is used every night for an extended period of time. It is not a cure in itself, but a healthy sleep improves overall health, and over time the patient can usually sleep comfortably without the mask.
Indications for use
As mentioned above, the snoring aid is not for everyone, but only for patients with severe forms of sleep disorder. First of all, these are people who have been diagnosed with more than twenty full or thirty partial recurrent episodes of respiratory arrest within 60 minutes (apnea/hypoapnea index).
The reason for diagnosis should be snoring, accompanied by feelings of constant brokenness and chronic sleep deprivation, frequent attacks of headache, causing over time complications of somatic pathologies, cognitive decline and even the appearance of symptoms of mental illness.
In uncomplicated vascular pathologies (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, the state after a heart attack/stroke) and disorders of intellectual and mental activity snoring, which is not accompanied by hypoxia as a result of decreased respiratory activity, it is treated without the use of a mask from snoring.
Use during pregnancy
Every second mom-to-be starts snoring, especially often it happens in the third trimester. In most cases, this phenomenon is temporary, self-correcting after childbirth. It is associated with many reasons, in particular, the main culprits - the hormone progesterone and weight gain in the second half of pregnancy. Women who are initially overweight, have high blood pressure, respiratory, thyroid, heart and vascular diseases are more likely to snore during childbirth.
For an expectant mother, snoring is not always harmless. In one tenth of pregnant women it causes serious complications. Apnea/hypoapnea leads to fetal hypoxia, development of cardiovascular pathologies and such a dangerous complication of pregnancy as eclampsia.
Daily sleep deprivation makes a pregnant woman inattentive, irritable, apathetic, can end in the development of depressive disorder.
Pregnancy is not a contraindication for using a mask from snoring. This device is definitely better than pills and herbal tinctures, because pregnant women need to be very careful about taking oral medications. Compressor through the mask maintains the necessary air pressure in the airways, the walls of which are not closed and do not prevent the passage of air flow. Respiratory arrests and snoring cease, the mother and her unborn child do not experience hypoxia, sleep improves and both feel better.
Application for children
A child can also snore, and at any age. This symptom may indicate the development of obstructive apnea. The baby not only snores, but also coughs, sleeps restlessly, often wakes up in a panic. Sometimes parents do not notice night signs of decreased respiratory activity in the child. But during the day he does not look rested, he can be active, but more often he lies down to rest. Such symptoms should alert parents and make them turn to a doctor with the problem. After diagnosis, the child may be prescribed apparatus therapy. Masks from snoring are also used in pediatric practice. There are modifications designed for different ages and weight categories (children are designed for body weight up to 30 kg and patients from about two to seven years).
Contraindications to use
SyPAP therapy or the method of snoring elimination with the help of non-invasive artificial ventilation has practically no contraindications. But in the presence of certain diseases, the patient's condition may worsen after the start of device therapy. This method of treatment is used by all patients only after prior medical consultation, and patients with the following pathologies are prescribed a mask from snoring with special caution, having previously assessed the severity of the disease and comparing the benefits of the method with the risk of possible consequences. The list is small, it includes persistent hypotension, decompensated cardiovascular insufficiency, severe respiratory disorders, the presence of diagnosed neoplasms, a high probability of nosebleeds associated with atrophy of the vascular wall or disorders of hemostasis, tuberculosis, infectious and inflammatory ophthalmologic diseases, acute and chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses, severe dehydration, previous surgical interventions on the middle ear and brain.
Snoring mask for sleep
Non-invasive technique of forced air supply to the lungs through the airways with the help of a mask has been used quite recently, in the 80s of the twentieth century. Until then, artificial ventilation of the lungs was carried out through an incision in the trachea. Air supply through a special mask has become a huge breakthrough in the fight against complicated snoring and the elimination of apnea.
A snoring mask for sleep is not used by itself. It is a part of the snoring apparatus for eliminating snoring by delivering a stream of air through the natural airways into the lungs under a certain pressure, ensuring continuous breathing of the patient in sleep. The pressurized air is forced into the mask by a compressor through a flexible hose. The method is called CPAP therapy - a direct reading of the English acronym CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure).
Airflow compressors are of several types. The simplest and cheapest, class III, are capable of delivering a fixed pressure airflow, the same on inhalation and exhalation. The pressure can be adjusted before bedtime, reduce or increase, but it will be constant throughout the night. And the intensity of breathing varies in a person depending on the position of the body and the standard mode does not always ensure the absence of snoring.
Class II compressors are more sophisticated, delivering an inhalation and exhalation airflow at the same pressure, but capable of changing the pressure. This is accomplished by a sensor that reads changes in the patient's breathing rate during sleep and transmits a signal to the compressor motor to change the pressure mode.
Class I automatic CPAP compressors adjust the pressure constantly up or down, selecting the optimal mode for continuous air delivery. Completely snore-free. They can be programmed to deliver a fixed-pressure airflow if the patient wishes.
BiPAP compressors are the most capable of providing two levels of therapeutic pressure, higher during the inhalation phase and lower during the exhalation phase, and the difference is quite significant. These compressors have a special trigger sensor that records the patient's breathing efforts in real time and reacts accordingly to their changes - increasing the pressure on the inhalation and automatically decreasing it on the exhalation. This type of ventilation is the most comfortable for the patient, increasing the efficiency of treatment. BiPAP-compressor can be used in all forms of obstructive apnea, in addition, it allows combining bilevel mode with continuous (CPAP).
Oxygen mask from snoring is connected to the compressor by means of a flexible hose, any masks fit any compressor, as the attachment elements are universal. Masks are selected based on the patient's comfort and type of breathing. They are divided into two main types: nasal, addressed to patients who breathe exclusively through the nose, and mouth-nasal, designed for those who sleep with an open mouth. The latter completely cover the nasolabial triangle, allowing both nose and mouth breathing.
Nasal masks in turn can be divided into bulkier masks that cover the entire nasal area. They are fastened tightly to the head with special straps passing through the head or forehead and back of the head.
At the beginning of wearing, there may be slight discomfort and hyperemia in the places of contact between the mask and the skin, a small sweating under the mask. This does not apply to the next modification, when selecting which there is practically no skin contact.
Nasal cannulas are the lightest and most compact option. They are inserted into the nostrils and secured with straps behind the ears or on the back of the head.
Any CYPAP snoring mask is comfortable in its own way. They are lightweight, made of soft materials, do not obstruct your view, and are silent or noise-reduced. They are available for children and adults in three sizes. They are selected individually depending on the patient's preferences, facial type and sleep behavior.
The feedback from patients is overwhelmingly positive. Some noted that in the beginning it was not too comfortable to fall asleep with the mask on the face. However, sleep still came, which was facilitated by the continuous supply of air. And over time, the snoring mask became a familiar accessory.
According to experts, the SIPAP therapy is the most effective method of treating snoring and preventing sleep apnea. But before getting a mask, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. There are some causes of snoring, such as deviated septum, for which a snoring mask will not help.